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Phone as a Key - Innovative Driving Authorization System
Phone as a Key - Innovative Driving Authorization System

What is Paak ( Phone as a Key)?

Phone as a Key (PaaK) is a technology that enables the use of a smartphone as a key, there is no need to use an application. The smartphone is in your pocket or bag and communicates securely with the car. As soon as the smartphone is close to the vehicle, the door unlocks automatically and quickly. Once in the car, simply press the start button.This means that there is no need for a car key or a fob anymore. The smartphone communicates with the vehicle via a wireless network, usually Bluetooth or Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE). 

The digital key can easily be shared with family or friends, can be used for fleet management or car sharing services, and it simplifies life without compromising security. It is also possible to give temporary access to a service provider, opening the trunk of the car for a delivery, for example.

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